Race, Nation, Infrastructure

We are currently living through a global infrastructure revolution. From Joe Biden’s billion dollar infrastructure plan and China’s belt and road initiative to calls for a Green New Deal, economic investment in infrastructure has moved centre-stage.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Britain and Northern Ireland, where the current Conservative government has centred their post-Covid recovery plan on the much touted “levelling up” agenda.

Originally a nineteenth-century neologism used by Victorian engineers, today this phrase appears in the mouths of ministers, regional mayors, green activists, and even celebrities.

This workshop sets out to facilitate an open and cross-disciplinary discussion of the cultural narratives and political imaginaries that are invested into infrastructure in Britain today.

How is infrastructure bound up with Brexit and Britain’s post-imperial identity? What political work is the “levelling up” agenda doing in the wake of Covid-19? And what might a different imaginative, cultural, and political programme for infrastructure look like, and from where might this emerge?

Delegates and participants of all backgrounds, from across the disciplines and from non-academic sectors, were warmly invited to attend this event. The workshop was comprised not of lectures or formal talks, but short position pieces on key themes that will be followed by extensive opportunity for feedback and discussion. This format was designed to facilitate an open conversation.

Workshop Programme

10.00-10.20: Registration

10.20-10.30: Welcome

10.30-11.30: Session 1. Race and Nation in Britain

Dr Sivamohan Valluvan, Dr Hannah Jones

11.30-12.00: Tea/Coffee

12.00-13.00: Session 2. Infrastructure After Empire

Dr Peter Mitchell, Dr Benjamin Bland

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.00: Session 3. Regionalism and Devolution

Professor Janice Morphet

15.00-15.30: Tea/Coffee

15.30-16.30: Session 4. Infrastructures of Care

Professor Jo Littler, Professor Tony Jefferson

16.30-17.00: Tea/Coffee

17.00-18.00: Writer’s reading

Professor Vron Ware, in conversation with Professor Les Back

18.00-19.00: Drink's Reception


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